Maximizing solar output requires a system-level approach

Maximizing solar output requires a system-level approach

Adverse weather events have driven a sharp rise in rooftop solar panel installations as homeowners look for ways to become more energy independent. According to a study in the Financial Times in October 2022, U.S. installations rose by around 40% yearly. But, with 80% of the market historically being dominated by only two solar PV inverter solutions providers, installers have limited options to provide customers with power optimization and panel-level monitoring features at a competitive price point. 


Enteligent brings fresh thinking to the decarbonization challenge by looking at the entire system to understand the intricate connections and interactions between the components and providing solutions supporting the ecosystem. In doing so, the company is levelling the playing field and giving installers more options to deliver the same, or better, performance and feature set. 


The company's most recent product, the Enteligent NMax Rapid Shutdown Device (RSD) with Optimization, is an ideal example of the company's system-level approach in action. The National Electrical Code requires RSDs to be attached to rooftop solar panels to minimize electrocution risk to first responders and other emergency personnel. But Enteligent has taken it a step further by integrating power optimization and panel-level monitoring across the system with simple plug-and-play connectivity that does not require a proprietary communications network. Enteligent is allowing homeowners to maximize their rooftop solar coverage and give a better return on their solar investment at a lower cost by providing the option, inexpensively, to add power optimization and panel-level monitoring with the RSD, which must be installed by code anyway.


Power optimization overcomes an inherent flaw of PV string installations when one or more connected solar panels are underproducing — whether due to shading, soiling, snow, or differing panel orientations — the output of all solar panels is reduced. Power optimization allows each panel to operate at its highest output all the time. And the Enteligent NMax panel-level monitoring feature provides the solar generation statistics of each individual panel. The monitoring allows installers to validate that the panels are functioning correctly, helps service providers diagnose and troubleshoot module issues, and gives homeowners peace of mind by making it easy to monitor performance.


Enteligent is uniquely qualified to take this holistic approach to cut waste from rooftop solar energy production. The team is led by innovators who cut their teeth designing complex automation, power, and clean tech products. It is in Enteligent's DNA to find solutions to challenges, and they have adopted fresh perspectives and proven methodologies to develop the right approach. It is certainly different than the route other solar panel manufacturers take, but that reinforces their belief that they are on track to solve this issue and help our homes become a vital part of the clean energy revolution. 


Learn more about how Enteligent's solar optimization technology is helping to speed up the adoption of a renewable energy ecosystem -

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